Test your way to success: How to reach new heights with ABX testing strategies

Marketers in the eCommerce sector are constantly on the lookout for ways to successfully catch the attention – and sales – of online customers. With more distractions and competition fighting over the same audience, It’s vital to make sure every email you send, every paid ad you launch, and every visit to your online shop […]

Amplify your ROAS: Smart segmentation tactics for boosting return on ad spend

The road to maximizing ROAS In the eCommerce kingdom, a singular goal reigns supreme: maximizing Return on Ad Spend (ROAS). If you’re a marketer reading this, you will understand that ROAS is the true measure of success of your paid advertising campaigns, and that it holds the key to unlocking unparalleled growth and profitability in […]

The power of prediction: Essential tips for mastering predictive analytics

In the fiercely competitive world of eCommerce, businesses are constantly seeking innovative strategies to delight customers and skyrocket their online sales. One game-changing tool that is revolutionizing the sector is none other than predictive analytics. Unleashing the potential of data and AI, predictive analytics empowers eCommerce players to ramp up their marketing game. From unravelling […]

Introducing Copilot: a new superpower for Data First marketers.

If you’ve been following Connectif’s evolution, you’ll already know that we want our marketers to stand out above the rest, being Data First marketers with access to their best first-party data, an ever-growing set of tools and the most desired superpower: the ability to predict the future. But at Connectif we never sleep. Our mission […]

Keep Your Clients Active Using These Two Cross-Selling Strategies

Cross-selling is a proven effective strategy to increase repeat purchase rate and boost profitability on eCommerce sites. In addition, it helps improve the client’s shopping experience. If you are interested in benefiting from it, in this post we’ll go through a few cross-selling strategies that you can activate now using Connectif. We will also explain […]

7 Effective Strategies To Make Your Newsletters More Profitable

Making the most out of your contact list is key for business profitability. Today we will go through 7 different strategies to help you earn money through your newsletters. Our goal is to suggest some ideas for your deliveries, whether they’re sporadic or weekly/monthly. Try and test them when you want to recommend products, reactivate […]

6 Data Analysis Fallacies That Every Marketer Needs To Avoid

Falacias en marketing

As marketers, we are lucky to be living in the era of Big Data. We have more information at our disposal than ever, so the current challenge is being able to properly use and analyze it in order to get to know and impact our audiences better. However, sometimes we unconsciously take mental shortcuts to […]

The New Role of Marketers In The Age of Big Data

We are living in a transformative era for marketing roles. The integration of Big Data in the customer journey has forced CMOs and their teams to face a new paradigm. These roles used to only revolve around outcome measurement, but now they need to refocus towards technological skills in order to keep their relevance. Many […]