How Gmail is transforming the fight against spam: New requirements

Cambios Gmail 2024

In the world of eCommerce, marketers are aware of the importance of email marketing in building strong relationships and attracting the attention of their audience in the most effective way, whether it is to communicate the best offers, to drive interest in their products, or to encourage them to buy from their online store. For this reason, it is critical that your emails always arrive safely in subscribers’ inboxes. 

However, the persistent presence of spam has strained the user experience. To eliminate this problem, the world’s most popular and widely used email service, Gmail, has announced significant changes starting in February 2024, and we at Connectif are working to help our customers adapt to these new requirements seamlessly.

Google-and other email clients such as Yahoo-are implementing a series of changes to increase the protection of email users against spam and phishing. As Google states in its official blog, today’s spam, phishing and malware threats are more complex than ever, which is why they have established new requirements for those who send more than 5,000 emails per day to Gmail addresses. 

Read on to learn more about these new requirements and make sure that your eCommerce is prepared for these upcoming changes in order to continue making a positive impact in your subscribers’ inbox.

What are Google’s new requirements?

  • Email authentication: one of the major changes requires email senders to authenticate the sending domain. Gmail warns that if a domain is not authenticated, the email will not enter inboxes.
  • Ease of unsubscribing: senders must offer Gmail recipients an easy and intuitive one-click unsubscribe option. In addition, they must handle any unsubscribe requests within a maximum of two days, following open standards for the benefit of all email users.
  • Spam rate control: Google will set a clear spam threshold that senders must maintain. This will ensure that Gmail recipients are not inundated with unwanted messages, adding another layer of protection against spam.

How can you prepare for the new requirements?

At Connectif, we consider email a key communication channel for eCommerce and it is our priority to ensure the deliverability and reputation of all emails sent by our customers from our platform. That’s why we are already working to help our customers adapt to these changes. 

If you are a Connectif customer, you can visit our help center to see the necessary actions and recommendations we provide to make your account compliant with the new requirements, ensuring a safe and spam-free experience for everyone in 2024.

If, on the other hand, you are not a Connectif customer, here is a link to Google’s Help Center to ensure that your company meets all requirements by February 2024.


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