Success Stories – Samsung Latinoamérica

From challenge to opportunity: how instant integrations brought exceptional results.
Success Stories – Xiaomi Store

Turning interactions into results: how
technology and AI combined to create a
bespoke shopping experience
Success Stories – Lee & Wrangler

Fashion meets tech: how data and personalization can maximize engagement and conversions
Success Stories Mexas

Steps to optimizing marketing communications to help grow and connect with the subscriber base of a Spanish footwear brand
Success Stories Bicimarket

Increasing Bicimarket’s online sales with experimentation and omnichannel strategies
Success Stories – Acer Chile

Discover how Acer Chile managed to increase customer feedback by 70%
Success Stories ESPRIT

Revolutionizing ESPRIT’s online shopping experience with the intelligent use of first-party data
Success Stories Naf Naf

Uncover the power of data-driven fashion and personalization with NAF NAF
Success Stories Balearia

See the strategies that helped Baleària increase conversion of their communications by 35%
Success Stories Herbolario Salud Natural

Explore how Herbolario Salud Natural boosted engagement, operational efficiency and sales