10 reasons to use Real-Time Data in your eCommerce


You know the famous phrase: “You don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone”? Well, it also applies to your online shoppers.

There’s no point discovering what your customer was looking for when they’re already filling their cart at a competing store.

This is where Real-Time Data comes into play – it’s the ally every marketer needs to be more agile and effective. Because let’s be honest, it’s not enough just to know what your customers want, you need to discover it right when they want it, so you can offer it to them then and there.

So, read on to find out why Real-Time Data offers that competitive advantage you were looking for, through 10 real-life examples of it transforming strategies and keeping customers right where you want them: in your store, happy and shopping.

What is Real-Time Data in an eCommerce business?

Real-Time Data is the ability to capture and analyze, in real time, the behaviors, preferences and interactions of your customers, both in your online store and in other channels (emails, push notifications, SMS, etc.).

It’s like a crystal ball that shows you exactly what your customers are doing: What products are they looking at? What did they just add to the cart? What email did they open? What are they about to buy… or not?

But it’s not just about understanding your customers, it’s about reacting instantly. Did someone leave the cart halfway through? Boom! Send her an irresistible offer. Is an anonymous user about to leave your website? Voilà! Show him a pop-up asking for his details in return for a discount.

Because it’s no use knowing that an anonymous user came and went when you no longer have a way to interact with them. Information that arrives when it’s too late to react are useless.

By harnessing the power of Real-Time Data, you can identify and act on opportunities before they vanish. So you’ll never say “it’s too late” again.

Examples of Real-Time Data in action in eCommerce

To explore this idea a little further, imagine this: a customer is browsing your clothing store and has just added their favorite jacket to the cart.

With Real-Time Data, you detect this action instantly and, as they continue to explore, you show them complementary products, such as matching gloves or a scarf, on a personalized banner with a relevant message.

This is what it means to seize the exact moment and anticipate a customer’s needs – in the blink of an eye, you’ve not only encouraged a purchase, you’ve also increased the value of the order.

Or how about this: think of a customer who is taking too long to complete a purchase. Just then, you can show them a popup offering 10% off or free shipping so they don’t leave empty-handed.

Or maybe you notice that a user is looking for sneakers from a specific brand or a specific price in your eCommerce: this is when you can influence their buying decision by showing them personalized showcases on the home page with items according to what they like.

As you’ve probably already noticed, this is like having eyes everywhere, and fingertips (and your wits!) ready to react.

10 benefits of using Real-Time Data in your eCommerce

Discover how Real-Time Data can revolutionize your online business with these 10 essential benefits:

#1 Capture anonymous users
Since more than 80% of eCommerce traffic is made up of anonymous users, real-time data can help you identify the profile of these strangers. If a user has just landed on your website, through strategic pop-ups that offer discounts after signing up for your newsletter, you can drive anonymous contact acquisitions and transform them into subscribers. From there, you can start working some magic and building a relationship with them.

#2 Increase the conversion rate
With real-time data, you can identify critical moments in the customer journey and take immediate action. For example, if a customer is browsing a mobile phone product page for a long time without deciding, you can activate a live chat or a popup window with personalized support. By offering help at that moment, such as answering questions or highlighting product features, you can answer their questions and guide them to the purchase. This type of intervention at the right time can be the push needed to turn a visit into a sale.

#3 Hyper-customize your content
With Real-Time Data, you can transform the experience from the moment a user arrives at your eCommerce. Let’s say a customer is looking for “wireless headphones” in your store. While they do these searches, you can instantly customize the homepage and show them a personalized carousel with the best wireless headphones, along with recommendations for accessories such as cases or adapters.

In doing so, you’re not only offering a much more relevant shopping experience, you also increase the chances of conversion by keeping the customer focused on products of interest to them.

#4 Reduce abandoned carts
We know that abandoned carts are public enemy no. 1 in eCommerce. With Real-Time Data, you can detect when a customer is about to leave your eCommerce empty-handed after adding their favorites to the cart. At that point, you can display a popup with an urgent message, showing them the products they’ve added and offering them an exclusive discount to close the purchase. This instant action not only captures customer attention, it also uses the FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) technique, encouraging purchases and significantly reducing missed opportunities.

#5 Optimize advertising campaigns
Is your campaign not working as you imagined? With real-time data, you don’t have to wait until afterwards to see results. If you notice that an ad isn’t generating clicks or conversions, you can adjust the segmentation, content or budget in real time, maximizing your return on ad investment.

#6 Streamline the buying decision
Today’s consumers are looking for a quick and smooth experience. With real-time data, you can act instantly to guide your undecided customers to their purchase. For example, imagine that a customer has been checking out a laptop in your webshop for a long time. To speed up the decision, you can show them a dynamic display window on the product page with the best-selling laptops similar to the one they’re looking at and with a rating higher than four stars. This type of action not only speeds up the buying process, it also makes the customer feel more secure and satisfied with their choice.

#7 Monitor the performance of your products instantly
Real-Time Data allows you to see which products are working well (or not) in real time. If a product that you expected to be a success is underperforming, you can adjust your marketing strategy or product descriptions right away to improve its appeal.

#8 Optimize your strategies with ABX testing
Not sure if your customers prefer free shipping or a discount on their next purchase? Run an ABX test and get results instantly. Analyze the data in real time to see which option generates the most conversions and adjust your marketing strategy according to your customers’ real preferences. With Real-Time Data, you optimize based on facts, not assumptions.

#9 Precisely segment your database
Do you want to send relevant communications to all of your customers? Then you need to segment them intelligently. Imagine that you have an travel eCommerce site and a customer has just booked a ferry trip with their pet. By accessing this data in real time, you can segment your customers according to the characteristics of their booking and create personalized offers, such as discounts on pet-friendly cabins, and reach them on multiple channels at the most appropriate time.

#10 Increase customer loyalty
With Real-Time Data and the use of advanced metrics such as RFM, you can identify your most loyal customers and reward them at the right time. Imagine that one of your top customers has just made a purchase of more than €100. You could surprise them in real time with an invitation to your “VIP Club”, where they’ll get exclusive benefits such as free shipping, early access to new collections or special discounts. By offering the customer this membership right after their purchase, you reinforce their loyalty and turn a simple transaction into a personalized experience that will make them feel valued and special.

Real-Time Data with Connectif: real results in real time

Does it seem daunting to put these 10 advantages of Real-Time Data to use? Maybe it’s because you haven’t tried Connectif! Our platform has the ability to track and analyze data in real time, and with its powerful Real-Time Activity Feed, you literally don’t miss a thing!

Grab some popcorn because you’ve got front-row seats: watch as your customers open emails, browse their favorite products, click links and join the strategic segments you’ve created.

All this from a Real-Time Activity Feed that shows you every interaction, every click, every cart created and every purchase live and in full color.

Take the leap to success with Real-Time Data

Are you fed up of missing sales opportunities because you don’t react in time? A lack of real-time data can lead your customers to stray towards the competition, leaving you behind. But with Real-Time Data you can turn every interaction into a sale, tweaking your strategy at the right time and adapting to the needs of your customers instantly.

Request a demo now and discover how Connectif’s real-time activity feed could revolutionize your marketing strategy.


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