
Integrations Get started with Connectif today With seamless integration across every major commercial platform, get ready to unleash the full potential of your data in no time and let your store soar to new heights of success! Request demo What our clients are saying Quick and easy integration was the most important step for us. […]

Integration Bespoke

Bespoke implementation Integrate your online shop with our next-level marketing automation platform Transform the customer experience of your online shop and start implementing sales-boosting strategies. Request demo “>”>Empower your eCommerce with data We don’t only integrate with the main eCommerce platforms. We also offer the possibility to integrate and elevate user interaction, boost conversions, and […]

Integration LogiCommerce

LogiCommerce Integrate your online shop with our next-level marketing automation platform Become a Data First marketer faster than you could ever imagine thanks to lightning-speed integration with your LogiCommerce business. Request demo Transform your LogiCommerce business Elevate user interaction, boost conversions, and unlock the full potential of your LogiCommerce store. From personalized product suggestions to […]

Integration VTEX

VTEX Integrate your online shop with our next-level marketing automation platform Transform the performance of your VTEX store by launching sales-boosting customer experiences for all customers in less than 5 minutes. Request demo Enhance the experience of your VTEX store Elevate user interaction, boost conversions, and unlock the full potential of your VTEX business. From […]

Integration WooCommerce

WooCommerce Integrate your online shop with our next-level marketing automation platform Become a Data First marketer faster than you could ever imagine thanks to lightning-speed integration with your WooCommerce business. Request demo Transform your WooCommerce business Elevate user interaction, boost conversions, and unlock the full potential of your WooCommerce business. From personalized product suggestions to […]

Integration Shopify

Shopify Integrate your online shop with our next-level marketing automation platform Become a Data First marketer faster than you could ever imagine thanks to lightning-speed integration with your Shopify business. Request demo Propel your Shopify store to new heights Elevate user interaction, boost conversions, and unlock the full potential of your Shopify business. From personalized […]

Integration Magento

Magento Integrate your online shop with our next-level marketing automation platform Transform the performance of your eCommerce by launching sales-boosting customer experiences in your Magento store in just a few minutes. Request demo Boost the sales of your Magento store Elevate user interaction, boost conversions, and unlock the full potential of your Magento business. From […]